Monday, December 10, 2007

Wireless Can Mean More Money

What used to be a very expensive and more difficult option is really starting to wade into the deeper areas of the pool. A couple of years ago, wireless had about 10% of new shipment revenue, whereas today it commands about 30%. Why the jump?

Cost has helped. It has gone down precipitously and many groups that offer their sales teams and MLS's free terminal options, now are offering free wireless terminal options as well. This evening of the playing field helps move what used to be a beast in a niche market to a streamlined trick pony that can do multiple sets of chores.

Simply put, the machine is more advanced than it was back in the day. Basically these guys are normal terminals + a battery + a cell phone. The battery is charged daily by plugging it in at night and going home. The cell phone half works on either GPRS or CDMA formats that deliver Internet Protocol (IP) connectivity to merchants that can put it to good use. Some have Wi-Fi options as well, but most importantly, Pinocchio's strings are cut in both instances, and yet he is still dancing.

Along with the IP ability, merchants are also getting their security needs met. This is done through SSL or the industry's standard for safety in a Secure Socket Layer allowing them secure transactions though encryption on both public and private networks.

Sprint was the first wireless carrier to put a cellular base station in one's business or home. This not only helps the wireless advance, but is clearly showing a demand for the technology. In all fairness though, that technology has been around for a while. It's called a repeater. Ever been to Vegas? In Vegas I get five bars on my Sprint phone. Odd, as I can't get five bars if I am standing at the counter of a Sprint store. In Vegas, in a casino, I can be at the bottom of a lead-lined vault and get all five bars. Repeat after me... Repeater.

I consult for businesses all the time and I often suggest wireless. Here in Savannah, Georgia's historic district we have the Savannah River and all the shops a tourist could want. On first Saturday's many of those shops set up booths so that people do not need to come in, but simply walk through and hopefully purchase. Many of these merchants have moved to wireless as they can walk right out their door with no strings attached and sign up right there. Same goes for the guys that have to go to trade show floors. They take a wireless with them and as long as they can get a signal or a Wi-Fi, they're in business.

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