Monday, November 12, 2007

What About Macs and Credit Cards?

Do you like your Mac? Of course you do silly goose, it's a rhetorical question.

Why? Oh for silly reasons like you enjoy having a computer that works. You do not have an affinity for computers that write packages like Vista that shut down really useful things like Adobe Photoshop, and write in non-backwards compatible word programs. Oh, and you do not love to spend the majority of your day chasing down viruses.

Little things...

Sadly though, there is almost no business software out there for your trusty friend the Mac. Especially when it comes to credit card software. There is simply no real answer out there. Back at the turn of the millennium there was a package called Mac Authorize, but it has since gone the way of the Dodo bird. Gone. Extinct. Finito.

There are some gateways that will work with a Mac, but gateways as a whole do not help the consumer. (For more on that look up my blog on Gateways and You.) So what are you left with.

Well here is where some smart cookie jumps in and handles the niche market (shameless plug) such as the guys at my company that make
software. Luckily this current only game in town for Mac guys. It actually runs on both pc's and Mac's, but the important thing is that it runs on a Mac.

Better yet, when ordering one does not have to say send me the Mac version. Oh no. All you have to do is to purchase a copy of TakeCharge as there is only one flavor. It will simply, magically run natively on either Mac or pc.

The only downside is that there is more Mac work to do. It is growing in popularity and so we are adding for all our Mac guys out there things like Candy Appliquettes, Dashboard, and AppleScript (and the crowd goes wild). However, if you are one of the business people out there frustrated at the lack of Mac in the workplace and lack of workplace Mac stuff, we are there for you and growing.

And the world has taken note. Normally to get an article in MacWorld Magazine one must be advertising with them first (advertising starts at $20,000). However for us, they said they would give us a free review.

What's that, you say? Support from rabid capitalists? Absolutely.

Mac themselves have even jumped in the game and had their M.U.G. (Mac User Group) affiliate contact us to give us free listing in their publications to 10,000 MUG's across the globe.

OK, now I'm swooning. (Swooning? When is the last time you saw that in a sentence?)

Now we cannot take all the credit here. Mac and pc (Microsoft) have helped. Every time Mac runs another commercial (I love those things), we sell more. Every time a new pc goes out with Vista and a business owner takes a hammer to his monitor, we sell more. Mac's percentage of the market has gone from what would be under 2% to over 7% in the last year. Please do not quote me on that as those numbers were collected in a completely unscientific way and using very little empirical knowledge. Still one can tell the growth.

All I can say to all of you very monogomous Mac users out there is: More and more is coming. Keep a good grip on that Apple.

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